Gojo 2158-08 Provon® Medicated Lotion Soap w/ Triclosan, 1000ml, 8/Cs.

Product Number: 50567
Manufacturer: Gojo Industries
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Product Details:
Provon® Medicated Lotion Soap w/ Triclosan, 1000ml, 8/Cs.* Medicated hand cleanser with 0.3% triclosan, combines effective broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity with skin conditioners and emollients. Passes Healthcare Personnel Handwash testing. Helps reduce germs that may cause infections. Light citrus floral fragrance.
* NXT® Refill
* Sanitary Sealed refill helps lock out germs
* Fresh dispensing valve with each refill
* Collapsible bag refill makes the best use of space inside the dispenser
* 1000 ml NXT
* 8 Refills / Case
* Dispenser: 2115-06