Total Solutions 134 Diquat 4.35%, 4 Gal/Cs

Product Number: 62056
Manufacturer: Total Solutions Chemicals
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Product Details:
Diquat 4.35% #134 is an aquatic and terrestrial weed killer concentrate.
Features and Benefits:
- Non-Selective vegetation killer for control of broadleaf weeds, grasses and aquatic weeds
- Kills most forms of plant growth without damage to the soil
- Effects are visible in only a few days
- Deactivates on contact with soil
- Effective Against: Broad leaf weeds, Grasses, Aquatic weeds

Product Specifications:
- Interior plantscapes
- Ornamental gardens
- Parks
- Golf courses
- Lawns
- Grounds
- Railroads
- Highways
- Pumping stations
- Dividers and medians
- Pipelines
- Public utility lines
- Manufacturing plants
- Transformer stations
- Electric utilities
- Commercial buildings
- Driveways
- Storage yards
- Fence lines
- Parkway
- Patios
- Ponds, Lakes, and Drainage ditches* (*Aquatic use where there is little or no outflow of water and which are totally under the control of the product's user.)