Total Solutions 145 Eliminator, 30 Gal

Total Solutions 145 Eliminator, 30 Gal
Total Solutions 145 Eliminator, 30 Gal
Product Number: 62097
Manufacturer: Total Solutions Chemicals
Product Details:

Eliminator #145eli is a dual-purpose aquatic and terrestrial herbicide.  A versatile, non-selective herbicide used to kill terrestrial and aquatic weeds in non-crop areas, as well as ponds, lakes and drainage ditches. It offers no residual action, is water-dilutable and is only effective when absorbed by foliage - it becomes inactive upon contact with soil.

Features and Benefits:

  • Non-selective and replant 5-7 day after application. Effects are visible in only a few days.
  • It's ideal for eliminating specific weeds that are close to desired flowers, shrubs, brushes and trees.
  • Kills most forms of plant growth without damage to the soil.
  • Deactivates upon contact with soil.
  • When properly used, will not harm fish.
  • Effective against: Broad leaf weeds, Grasses, Annual and perennial weeds, Aquatic Weeds, Algae, Cattails and Duckweed
  • EPA registered product
Product Specifications:


  • Lawns
  • Parks
  • Manufacturing plants
  • Pumping stations
  • Dividers and medians
  • Commercial buildings
  • Ponds, Lakes, Drainage ditches* (Aquatic use where there is little or no outflow of water and which are totally under the control of the product's user.)