Total Solutions 242 Liquid Fertilizer 20-2-3, 30 Gal

Product Number: 62177
Manufacturer: Total Solutions Chemicals
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Product Details:
Liquid Fertilizer 20-2-3 #242 is used for spring or early summer application. This concentrated fertilizer features a controlled release nitrogen blend that provides longer, more even feeding of plants. This special formula also offers fast green-up and extended feeding without burning, and its convenient liquid form is easy to mix and apply and assures quick absorption by foliage and roots.
Features and Benefits:
- Provides even, slow release of nutrients to turf grass
- High nitrogen content promotes lush greening and fast growth of turf
- Nutrients last longer and are more even distributed without causing burning
- Recommended for spring and early summer application
- For spring application: Dilute ½ to 1 gallon with sufficient water for uniform coverage of 1000 square feet.
- For later applications: Apply the same amount to 2000 square feet.