Total Solutions 245 Liquid Fertilizer 16-8-4, 30 Gal

Product Number: 62181
Manufacturer: Total Solutions Chemicals
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Product Details:
Liquid Fertilizer 16-8-4 #245 is an all-season, general purpose fertilizer. This concentrated liquid fertilizer contains special penetrating agents to assure quick absorption and vigorous, sustained growth. Its balanced blend of nutrients promotes rapid greening and lush top growth, making it the perfect all-season general purpose fertilizer for ornamental turf, golf courses, athletic fields and lawns.
Features and Benefits:
- Promotes vigorous, sustained plant growth
- Ideal all-season fertilizer
- Liquid formula goes directly to the root zone
- Lawn and Turf: Mix 1 pint with 1 gallon water and cover 1000 square feet. Make first application before spring greening, and repeat application every 3 weeks.
- For trees and shrubbery: 1 pint in 1 quart in 15 gallons of water, spray on foliage.
- For Root feeding: 4 ounce per inch of trunk. Dilute with sufficient water and pour or inject into root zone.
- EPA registered product.

Product Specifications:
- Nursery stock
- Athletic fields
- Golf greens
- Shrubs
- Newly seeded areas