Total Solutions 303 Metalworking Coolant & Lube, 5 Gal

Product Number: 62267
Manufacturer: Total Solutions Chemicals
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Product Details:
Metalworking Coolant & Lube #303 is a synthetic, dilutable concentrate. This water-dilutable coolant and lube is designed for use with all ferrous and non-ferrous metals in cutting, grinding, turning and other machining operations. When diluted, it makes a clear solution to give the operator an unobstructed view of the work piece. Its biodegradable synthetic formula contains no silicone or sulfur, and is enhanced with corrosion inhibitors to prevent flash rusting until the piece is painted.
Features and Benefits:
- Protects finished work from flash rusting.
- Contains no silicon.
- When diluted it makes a clear solution.
- Dilution ratios can vary for the best economy under various conditions.
- Non-corrosive to all metals, including aluminum and copper.
- For severe operations and hard metals: Mix 1 part product into 10 parts of water.
- For light duty operations: Mix one part product into 20 or 30 parts of water.
- Effective against: Corrosion, Flash rusting, Temperature build-up, Sticky residues, Wear and tear on machinery

Product Specifications:
- Cutting
- Grinding
- Drilling
- Tapping