Total Solutions 318 Banish, 55 Gal

Product Number: 62294
Manufacturer: Total Solutions Chemicals
Will ship in: 1
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Product Details:
Banish #318 is a 1.2% Bromacil Residual Concentrate. Banish is a water-based, non-selective, total kill herbicide with residual control. It is strong enough to eliminate hard-to-kill weeds, and can be used for customized jobs. By going to work to destroy the plant from the roots up, Banish provides long-term, full-season root kill.
Features and Benefits:
- Use to control undesirable woody plants and brush
- Long-lasting residual action
- Highly dilutable formula
- Low odor formula
- Dilute 1 gallon of this product with 10 gallons of water for a total of 11 gallons.
- Annual weeds and grasses:. Apply 11 gallons of diluted product per 800 to 3100 square feet
- Perennial weeds and grasses: Apply 11 gallons of diluted product per 400 to 800 square feet
- Brush control: To control undesirable woody plants on non-cropland areas, apply 54.5 to 109 gallons per acre or dilute 2 gallons with 2 gallons of water and apply on soil at the rate of 6 to 12 fluid ounces per stem 2" to 4" in basal diameter.
- EPA Registered
- Effective against: Annual Weeds, Perennial Weeds, and Grasses

Product Specifications:
- Railroads
- Tank Farms
- Pipelines right-of-ways
- Highways
- Lumber Yards
- Storage Areas
- Fencerows
- Industrial Site
- Parking Lots