Total Solutions 320 Barren, 55 Gal

Product Number: 62298
Manufacturer: Total Solutions Chemicals
Please Call for Availability
Product Details:
Barren #320 is a powerful, long-lasting herbicide. This non-selective herbicide is designed for use where control of all vegetation is desired. It is also a soil sterilant, offering a total kill with long-lasting residual action, so it is only recommended for non-cropland areas away from residential/recreational areas.
Features and Benefits:
- Long-lasting residual action
- Recommended for use only on non-cropland area
- The degree of control and duration depends on the amount of herbicide applied, soil type rainfall and other conditions
- For annual weeds and grasses such as crabgrass, foxtail, barnyard grass, lambsquarter and pigweed, apply 1-2 gallons per 1000 sq ft. (40-80 gallons per acre). For hard-to-kill perennial weeds such as smooth brome, quackgrass, Canada bluegrass, broomsedge, aster, dandelion, goldenrod, plantain, wild carrot and purpletop, use 2-4 gallon per 1000 sq. ft. (80-160 gallons per acre). For other hard-to-kill perennial weeds and grasses such as Johnsongrass, saltgrass, Bermudagrass, horsetail bouncing bet and bracken fern, use 3-5 gal per 1000 sq. ft. (120-200 gallons per acre).
- Apply product as is. No agitation or dilution is necessary.
- EPA registered product.

Product Specifications:
- Along pipelines
- Railroad rights-of-way
- Fence rows
- Around buildings
- Loading ramps
- Storage yards
- Industrial sites
- Parking lots
- Tanks farms