Total Solutions 385 Snow Plow Coating, 4 Gal/Cs

Product Number: 62392
Manufacturer: Total Solutions Chemicals
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Product Details:
Snow Plow Coating #385 helps remove snow with less effort. This coating deposits a thin, slippery layer of silicone that reduces friction on plow blades, shovels and truck beds to provide more efficient plowing. It also protects metal surfaces from rust and corrosion and will not wash off when cleaned after use.
Features and Benefits:
Protects against rust and corrosion.
Reduces friction for more efficient plowing.
Will not wash off.
- Leaves a hard, slippery layer of silicon on plow blades.
- Effective against: Rust, Corrosion, Wear and tear on equipment
- Use less fuel
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Product Specifications:
Spray, brush, swab or roll onto plow blades and other exposed metal and painted surfaces. Best results are obtained with coating is allowed to dry for 30 minutes. Protect equipment from rusting by applying several applications after using equipment and during summer storage.