Total Solutions 399 Sniper, 4 Gal/Cs

Product Number: 62417
Manufacturer: Total Solutions Chemicals
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Product Details:
Sniper #399 is a fast-acting insect killer. This liquid insecticide is made with the powerful ingredient d-trans Allerthrin to offer fast knockdown of flying insects and effective contact control of crawling insects. It is also extremely effective for fogging or misting large, open areas of an enclosed space.
Features and Benefits:
- Kills insects on contact.
- Kills all types of flying and crawling insects.
- Odorless solvent carrier is non-staining to most surfaces.
- To treat an enclosed space: Spray or fog 0.5-1 fluid oz per 1,000 cu. ft. of space. Vacate area after spraying for 1/2 hour. Ventilate area after treatment, and sweep up dead insects.
- Kill crawling insects: Spraying behind baseboards, cracks and crevices and other areas that insects hide.
- Effective against: Flies, Adult mosquitoes, Gnats, Small flying moths, Cockroaches, Ants, and Crickets
- EPA registered product