Total Solutions 1449 Electro Wipes, 6 x 8" 30 Ct., 6/Cs.

Product Number: 62829
Manufacturer: Total Solutions Chemicals
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Product Details:
Electro Wipes #1449 eliminates static to avoid electronic loss. Wiping down electronic equipment with these wipes, protect devices from static electricity and repels dust. Premoistened with a special formula that neutralizes the effects of static electricity. This avoids the loss of important data stored on computer equipment such as hard drives. In addition, by eliminating static, less dust collects on the surfaces to keep equipment , like LCD screens, cleaner longer.
Features and Benefits:
- Special formula eliminates static to protect against loss of data.
- Eliminating static keeps dust from collecting on equipment
- Can be used on almost any electronic equipment.
- Effective against: Neutralizes static, and Repels dust
- Easy to use, just wipe surface and discard towel after use.
- 6 x 8" 30 Ct., 6/Cs.

Product Specifications:
- LDC Screens
- Telephone ear and mouth piece
- Copiers
- Office equipment
- Keyboards
- Printers
- Computer terminals
- Fax machines
- Televisions