Total Solutions 1541 Fly Away Wipes, 6" X 8", 6/CS

Product Number: 62838
Manufacturer: Total Solutions Chemicals
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Product Details:
Fly Away Wipes #1541 are insect repellent wipes. Fly Away Wipes provide up to 4 hours of protection from irritating insects. These convenient, easy to use wipes allow for quick and thorough application to skin, hair, and clothing to ensure maximum protection.
Features and Benefits:
- Water-Based Insect Repellent Formula
- Non-VOC Formula
- No Strong/Offensive Odor
- Leaves No Sticky Residue
- Effective against: Black flies, Fleas, Mosquitoes, Stable flies, Chiggers, Gnats, Sand flies, Ticks
- EPA registered product

Product Specifications:
Perfect for:
- Construction
- Biking
- Fishing
- Gardening
- Utility work
- Camping
- Hunting
- Road work
- Sanitation crews
- Boating
- Farming
- Golfing