IMC/BelAire 3G3HKL 12 HP Gas Two Stage Air Compressor, 30 Gal.

Product Number: 21356
Manufacturer: IMC/BelAire
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Product Details:
12 HP Gas Two Stage Compressor 30 Gallon Horizontal Tank* 12 Volt Electric Start and Recoil Start
* 12 Alternator (3G3HH/HHL. Optional 3G3HK/HKL)
* Start Key / Panel
* Oil Monitor
* Engine Slowdown (Pilot Valve)
* Fully Enclosed Belt Guard
* EZ Pull Tank Drain
* ASME Tank and Safety Valves
* 3/4" Tank Discharge Valve
Part Number: 8090250039
Horse Power: 12.75
Model #: 3G3HKL
Engine: Kohler
Elec. & Recoil Start: Standard
Cfm displ.: 32.5
Cfm 100 PSI: 25.3
Tank Gal.: 30H
Ship Weight: 369 lbs.
Dimensions: 45 x 19 x 45