IPA Tools 7863 Grease Joint Rejuvenator Master Kit
Product Number: 21381
Manufacturer: IPA Tools
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Product Details:
The Grease Joint Rejuvenator is used to open clogged grease joints and fittings effortlessly in less than a minute!How it works: Remove the piston and fill the tool with penetrating oil.
* Place the end of the tool on the grease fitting and tap the piston head with a hammer until it starts to move down into the tool body.
* The hydraulic pressure created by tapping on the piston forces the penetrating oil into the grease joint to the blockage.
* It loosens the old, hardened grease or dirt, flushes the blockage, and clears the way for new grease.
Product Specifications:
Kit includes:* Professional Model Grease Joint Rejuvenator
* Pocket Model Rejuvenator
* Flex Hose Extender and Coupler