Kimberly Clark 48280 Kleenex® Hygienic Bathroom Tissue

Product Number: 82408
Manufacturer: Kimberly Clark
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Product Details:
Designed to reduce costs, waste and health concerns, this system directly addresses concerns for a healthier restroom environment. Fully enclosed hygienic bath tissue system reduces potential of product contamination. One-at-a-time sheet dispensing. Meets EPA standards for minimum post-consumer waste content: bathroom tissue 20%. 75% post-consumer and 100% recycled fiber. Packaging: KDF contains 34% post-consumer and 55% recycled fiber, core contains 100% post-consumer content, paper wrap contains 90% recycled content, 10% post-consumer. 4.5 x 8.3 sheets. 250 sheets per pack. 36 packs per case.