Ingersoll Rand SS3L3 3 HP Electric One-Stage Air Compressor, 60V Gal.

Product Number: 21594
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Rand
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Product Details:
* Ideal for almost anyone, from do-it-yourselfers to professional air compressor users.* 100% continuous duty applications
* High capacity compressor (upto 18.1 cfm@ 90 pisg) with 60 gallon vertical tank
* Efficient finger valves that are easy to maintain

Product Specifications:
Specifications:Tank (gal): 60 Vertical
Max Pressure (psig): 135
Nominal Power (hp): 3
Flow at Max Pressure (cfm): 10.3
Base Length (in): 20
Base Width (in): 23
Base Height (in): 66
Weight (lbs): 300
NPT Outlet (in): 3/8"
Voltage: 230/1/60