2XL Corporation L400 CareWipes™ Antibacterial Force Wipes

Product Number: 84293
Manufacturer: 2XL Corporation
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Product Details:
Antibacterial formula is virucidal, bactericidal and fungicidal. Effectively cleans, disinfects, deodorizes and kills 99.9% of germs that can cause illness. No alcohol, bleach or phenol. Use in schools, offices, hospitals, restaurants, etc. Effective against many pathogens, including staphylcoccus aureus, salmonella, Hepatitis B & C, HIV and Influenza A. 46 pathogens in all. EPA Registered. Fresh clean scent. Large, textured 8-in. x 6-in. wipe. 800 wipes per bucket or refill bag. Wipe fabric made from 10% post-consumer material content, no VOCs.