OTC 6521 Leak Tamer™ Plus EVAP

Product Number: 24964
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Product Details:
•Easy, effective, versatile tool to help technicians diagnose EVAP trouble codes on domestic and import cars and light trucks •Uses patented UltraTraceUV™ technology — the only OEM-approved dye available
•Works with nitrogen or shop air to meet all OEM test requirements
•Uses existing OTC LeakTamer accessories
•Uses OEM-Approved Technology This technology was developed in collaboration with Ford Motor Company, GM and Daimler Chrysler to specifically test a vehicle's EVAP system and to meet major automakers' EVAP testing specifications and needs
•The LeakTamer Plus EVAP Model 6521 is EVAP-approved
•Accessories Included with No. 6521 No. CEA-01 - 3 1/2" Diameter Exhaust Cone No. CEA-02 - Assorted Cap Plug Kit No. CEA-04 - Standard Service Port Adapter No. CEA-049 - Dual Size Schrader Removal Tool No. HS-400AC - 400,000 CP Spotlight with 20 foot Cord and Battery Clips