Total Solutions 314 Vacate Total Kill Herbicide, 4 Gallon/Case

Product Number: 63010
Manufacturer: Total Solutions Chemicals
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Product Details:
Total Solutions #314 is a specially formulated, non-selective herbicide that offers total kill control over a wide variety of annual and perennial weeds and grasses for yearlong residual control. Its residual action, makes it the perfect herbicide for long-lasting weed control or as a semisoil sterilant.
Features and Benefits:
- Recommended for use only on non-cropland area
- Highly recommended for municipal weed control
- VOC Compliant
- Use to control annuals and perennials
- Long-lasting residual action, soil sterilant
- Apply one gallon per 1000 square feet (43.5 gallons per acre) of undiluted weed killer after the most predominate weeds have emerged.
- EPA Registered Product

Product Specifications:
- Non-cropland areas
- Railroad rights-of-way
- Around Buildings
- Industrial Sites
- Fence Rows
- Loading Ramps
- Storage Yards
- Parking lots
- Tanks farms