Quest Chemical 554 Defense EF Metal Parts Protector, 16oz,12/Cs.

Product Number: 31109
Manufacturer: Quest
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Product Details:
Protect metal parts with Defense EF. Its transparent amber formula makes it easy to see through while applying. In two hours it sets to a hard, yet flexible coating that protects metal parts indefinitely indoors or out. Defense EF does not contain chlorinated or fluorinated solvents and removes easily with kerosene or mineral spirits. This product has literally hundreds of uses.

Product Specifications:
Model Number: 554001QCUOM: CS
Case Pack: 12
Quickly coats metal parts, castings, cables, winches, pulleys, tools, dies, pipe threads, hoists, jigs and riggings
Gives indefinite indoor protection and long-lasting outdoor protection
Transparent amber color is easily seen through while showing its application
Sets up to a hard yet flexible coating in 2 hours
To remove, use kerosene or mineral spirits
Weldable and paintable
Contains no chlorinated or fluorinated solvents
Great for use by industrial plants, oils rigs, pipeyards, heavy equipment, construction vehicles, boats, ships, trucks and cars
Hundreds of applications for this product
Meets Mil Spec C-16173D, Grade 4 and C83933A
HMIS Codes: H-1, F-3, R-1, P-A