Quest Chemical 439 Stomp Wasp and Hornet Spray, 20oz,12/Cs.

Product Number: 31135
Manufacturer: Quest
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Product Details:
Knock out wasp and hornet's nests easily with Stomp Spray. Sprays 15 to 20 feet indoors or outdoors - wherever nests are found. Stomp is EPA-registered, high dielectric and non-chlorinated.

Product Specifications:
Model Number: 439001QCUOM: CS
Case Pack: 12
EPA registered, high dielectric, nonchlorinated wasp and hornet spray
Product sprays 15 to 20 feet and can be used indoors in attics and other places where nests are built or outdoors on hornet, wasp and yellow jacket nests
Can also be used to quickly knock down flying pests outdoors
Nests should be treated in the evening when insects have returned to the nest
Dielectric strength of 40,100 volts by ASTM test method D-877
For use in and around schools, hospitals, industrial plants, tank farms, warehouses, attics, basements and patios
HMIS Codes: H-2, F-1, R-1, P-A