EZ Red MS4000 Super Computer Memory Saver

Product Number: 20842
Manufacturer: EZ Red
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Product Details:
Saves all drivability codes and settings when disconnecting /changing a vehicle°s starter battery.* Direct wired OBD2 Connector plugs
directly into the vehicles OBD2 Port
* 12 volt, 5 amp hour sealed lead acid
battery included inside unit.
* Power on / power off switch.
* Green LED indicates connection to circuit.
* Amber LED indicates when the internal
battery is 11.6 volts or lower and requires
charging soon.
* Protected by a 4 amp circuit breaker.
* Includes 120V AC “smart" charger.

Product Specifications:
Also protects settings and codes for:* Anti-theft radios
* Clocks
* Keyless entry systems
* Alarms
* Cellular phone settings
* GPS Memory
*Other memory related functions