National Marker GLV1 Visi-Sign 3-D Glow-In-The-Dark Exit Sign

Product Number: 34763
Manufacturer: National Marker Company
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Product Details:
* Model Number: GLV1 * UOM: EA
* Size: 8" x 14 1/2"
* Wall mountable, projects from wall at a 45 degree angle
* Constructed of .125 mil acrylic
* Glow Signs provide immediate visibility in sudden black out situations
* Unsurpassed in reliability, glow safety grade signs require no mechanical or electrical power source
* Since these signs absorb and store energy from ambient light, they are immediately visible in sudden black out conditions
* Providing an illlumination durtation time of 6+ hours, these signs meet/exceed OSHA 1910.37, ASTM E2072-00/E2073-02/E2030-02, ASTM E162/E648/E662 and are the ideal economical choice for emergency egress systems