Sperian 216WLS/6FTYL Miller Manyard® Shock-Absorbing Lanyard, Snap

Product Number: 35322
Manufacturer: Sperian Protection
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Product Details:
* Model Number: 216WLS6FTYL, 219WRS6FTYL * UOM: EA
* Standard Length: 6'
* Material: Yellow Webbing
* Number of Legs: One
* Harness Connection: Locking snap hook OR rebar hook
* Special Features: Warning flag
* With 20 years of design refinement, the "original" Manyard Shock-Absorbing Lanyards are unsurpassed in the market for safety, comfort and mobility
* Specially-woven, shock-absorbing inner core smoothly expands up to 42" to reduce fall arrest forces
* Heavy-duty tubular outer jacket serves as a back-up lanyard
* Unique warning flag provides visual proof that a lanyard has been involved in a fall and must be removed from service