Sperian TFPK-1/U/6FTAK Titan® ReadyWorker Basic Fall Protection Kit

Product Number: 35390
Manufacturer: Sperian Protection
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Product Details:
* Model Number: TFPK1U6FTAK
* Size: Universal
* Color: Yellow/Black
* Adjustable Full Body Harness with improved webbing for greater comfort
* Back strap and sub-pelvic strap for greater safety and increased comfort
* Sliding back D-ring to adjust harness correctly
* Easy adjustment for proper fit
* 6' Tubular Shock-Absorbing Lanyard
* Pull-free lanyard rings for convenience and added safety
* Mating Leg Strap Buckles
* Waterproof Bucket
* Meets OSHA 1926.502, 1910.66, ANSI A10.14, Z359.1 and CSA Z259.2.2 Type 1 Requirements
* Trilingual labeling and instructions