WD-40 110283 Blue Works Industrial Grade Contact Cleaner, 12/Cs.

Product Number: 35572
Manufacturer: WD-40
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Product Details:
* Model Number: 110283 * UOM: CS
* Net Weight: 11 oz
* 12 per case
* NSF® K2 Registered
* Higher Kb cleaning scores, Lower VOCs
* With its low VOC rating it can clean more than just circuit boards
* Has an amazing Kb cleaning value of 205
* Leaves no residue
* Safe to use on all plastics, rubber and metal
* Contains no CFCs or HCFCs
* Cleans sensitive electronics and electrical equipment
* Cleans oil, dirt, flux residue and condensation from printed circuit boards, controls, switches, tape heads and precision instruments
* Also works on larger electric motors, armatures, relays, electric panels and generators
* Compatible with metals, including steel, galvanized steel, copper, brass, magnesium, nickel, tin plate, titanium and zinc
* Dielectric Strength >25,000 Volts
* 50-State VOC Compliant